
BattleMats: RPG Encounter Mats for Table Top Roleplaying

Created by BattleMats

Gaming mats designed especially for table top roleplaying games; available as physical printed vinyl mats, digital images or both.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Shameless Plug
over 6 years ago – Tue, Feb 13, 2018 at 04:17:48 PM

Apologies for the spam, but just to let you know our current Kickstarter is finishing in the next few hours.

There is low cost pledge level which just has the new digital content from this Kickstarter in it (The Digital Lair), which includes Stretch Goals.

As before these will be available as print's too via optional buys (with the caveat that the Dragon's Lair design has a limited print run).




New Kickstarter is Live!
over 6 years ago – Tue, Jan 30, 2018 at 11:02:33 PM

Sorry for the poor quality of this update, there seems to be an issue with the update page.

I can't create links of add pictures, so here's the url for the new Kickstarter:

A New Kickstarter
over 6 years ago – Mon, Jan 29, 2018 at 11:40:28 PM

We can proudly announce a new Kickstarter campaign, that will go live very soon.

This will be a short run campaign (two weeks), that will be part of the Make/100 creative initiative, where a reward is limited to 100 backers. For our campaign this is to create a limited edition vinyl 48"x24" RPG Encounter Mat, the Dragon's Dungeon lair. 

This design is a bit of a Hobbit homage, with a gold hoard in the main chamber, plenty of pillars for cover and some ancillary rooms to facilitate some epic boss fights. The design is around 80% complete, with some finer details to be added yet.

Whilst the Make/100 focus will be for the limited edition physical copies of this design, we'll also be offering a low price non-limited digital copy reward too, along with possible stretch goals.

Low price VTT pledge level
Low price VTT pledge level

We'll also be making the full range of printed mats available again (including any stretch goals from the new campaign) as Optional Buys at the same price point as last time; just in case anyone needs any more mats ;-)

The designs from our first kickstarter are also on offer again, although the digital bundle price has gone up due to the number of stretch goals reached last time, so if you have any virtual tabletop friends that missed the last kickstarter, please spread the word.

The preview of the Kickstarter is here, with the plan to make it live before the month ends.

Here's hoping you can join us on this new Kickstarter!



Last Digital Collection
over 6 years ago – Tue, Jan 23, 2018 at 04:03:01 PM

Collection VI is Available

The DriveThruRPG codes for Collection VI have been sent out.

This includes all remaining designs from this Kickstarter and a bonus design.

Designs in Collection VI

  • City Square
  • Corporate Lobby
  • Down Town
  • Lava Cave
  • Parking Lot
  • Street market
  • S.V. Kodiak

Bonus Design

The bonus design is Lava Cave (24x24) and is just a little extra to thank everyone for their patience while I got through these designs.

Lava Cave 24x24
Lava Cave 24x24

 What's Left?

Although that's now all designs complete, there are still a few tasks left, in planned order:

  • Re-size older designs from X-large .tif versions to match newer zipped 300 DPI .jpg versions.
  • Re-Size older designs VTT versions to come in uner 10mb  so they'll work in Roll20 without modification.
  • Add all digital content to the shop and ensure existing voucher codes work and any new codes are sent to backers (I need to finish the re-size first).
  • Create .pdf versions and add to DriveThruRPG

And finally, decide what to run as the next KickStarter project...



All Designs Completed!
over 6 years ago – Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 11:54:52 PM

Last Two Designs

I'm happy to say the final two designs created for this KickStarter are now complete.

First is the Street Market design.

Street Market 24x24
Street Market 24x24

 And lastly we have the S.V. kodiak, space ship design.

S.V. Kodiak 48x24
S.V. Kodiak 48x24


I just need to create all of the various formats for each and get them on to DriveThruRPG then I can send out codes for the last collection of designs.


Today also marks the last set of parcels being sent out for Backers who answered the BackerKit survey.

Next Steps

Next is get the final designs out via DriveThruRPG, complete the resizing and zipping of files, get all content live on the GamingBooks site and generate the multi page PDF document versions.

The next update should be the final collection confirmation; I'll probably start asking for some ideas on what to work on next too...

