
BattleMats: RPG Encounter Mats for Table Top Roleplaying

Created by BattleMats

Gaming mats designed especially for table top roleplaying games; available as physical printed vinyl mats, digital images or both.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Darker City
over 7 years ago – Sun, Jun 25, 2017 at 01:40:16 PM

Less than a day to go and another Stretch Goal is down.


I know I'd said three more designs for the River Valley set, but three didn't seem like enough to cover the suggestions we've had, so six it is...

Included as digital files for all pledge levels that receive Stretch Goals and available as options for Physical Mats.

New Stretch Goal


The £9500 Stretch Goal will be for three urban style designs, 'Junkyard', 'Underpass' and 'Street Market'.

All very much 'Work in Progress' but the plan is to have them as dirty, gritty urban locations.

Junkyard Design Detail
Junkyard Design Detail


Designs So Far

Let's take a quick look at what designs are currently available thanks to the Stretch Goals so far. With any pledge including the digital campaign rewards getting the 20 campaign designs and any pledge that recieves Stretch Goals getting the 65 currently unlocked designs as well.

Campaign Designs (20)

  • Flagstone
  • Grass
  • Autumn Ruins
  • Highlands
  • Cobblestone
  • Deep Desert
  • The Oasis
  • Standing Stones
  • Coral Bay
  • Urban Decay
  • Frozen Plaza
  • Wasteland
  • The Beach
  • Lava Waste
  • Stone Bridge
  • Reactor Core
  • Cave I
  • Dark Clearing
  • Death Road
  • Deep Waters

Unlocked Stretch Goals (65)

  •  Cave II
  • North Pass
  • Sewer
  • Cemetary Gates
  • Arena Lake
  • Beachhead
  • Schorched Earth
  • Tomb World
  • High Seas
  • Base Layer - Lava
  • Base Layer - Putrid Water
  • Town Square
  • Throne Room
  • Long Beach
  • Urban Streets
  • Hel Sector
  • Ocean Ruins
  • Town Gate
  • Winding Alleys
  • Dock Side
  • Temple
  • Steel Deckplate
  • Moonscape
  • Ventilation Shaft
  • Lower Decks
  • Desert Road
  • The Pyramid
  • Dead Mans Rock
  • Badlands
  • Borderlands
  • Poison Crags
  • Graveyard
  • Fetid Swamps
  • Town Square - Interior
  • Town Gate - Interior
  • Winding Alleys - Interior
  • Dock Side - Interior
  • Temple - Interior
  • Dragon Nebula
  • Neo-City Crossing
  • S.V. Kodiak
  • Autumn Castle
  • Hub Station Hangar
  • Deep Hold Dungeon
  • River Valley - Valley River
  • River Valley - Valley River Stones
  • River Valley - Valley River Bend
  • River Valley - Valley Meadow
  • River Valley - Valley Rock Spring
  • River Valley - Valley Lake
  • Old Factory
  • Blood Shore
  • Autumn Castle - Gate
  • Autumn Castle - Keep
  • Corporate Lobby
  • City Square
  • Parking Lot
  • Down Town
  • River Valley II - Valley Hills
  • River Valley II - Valley River Swamp
  • River Valley II - Valley Track Gulley
  • River Valley II - Valley Track
  • River Valley II - Valley Bridge
  • River Valley II - Valley Crossroads

Rooms and Roads
over 7 years ago – Sun, Jun 25, 2017 at 01:10:36 AM

Here's the graphic for the next Stretch Goal, Rooms and Roads


Again, these are fairly rough at this stage, I'll re-arrange elements to make them modular and add some interiors.

Upcoming Stretch Goals

As I may not be able to get graphics ready in time, here are the next Stretch Goals:

  • £9,000 - 3 more designs to add to the River Valley set
  • £9,500 - 3 more designs to add to this city design set (Rooms and Roads Stretch)
  • £10,000 - 4 piece Winter Castle design

I'm then out of Stretch Goals, but will add 1 new design for every £500 above £10,000 raised. Please offer design suggestions in the comments section, I'll produce a shortlist then hold a vote after the KickStarter to decide. That is of course if we get that far!

Design Previews

As space on the Kickstarter page is limited and it's impractical to show larger previews of all the designs, I've begun putting previews together in the 'Coming Soon' section of our own site so you can get a better look at the designs, they can be found here

Note that not all will show the various overlays (Squares/Hexes), although I've added them all to Coral Bay to show what they look like.


Factory, Blood, Skulls and a Bigger Castle
over 7 years ago – Sat, Jun 24, 2017 at 03:41:19 PM

So we're in to the last 48 hours and the funding is climbing at a fair speed.

So much so, that not only is the £7500 Stretch Goal unlocked but the £8000 Stretch is unlocked before it was even announced... 


All pedges that recieve Stretch Goals recieve the six River Valley designs as digital files. These designs will also be available as an option for physical mats.

A New (Already Unlocked) Stretch Goal



Four designs, two stand alone and two that expand an earlier Stretch Goal.

The 'Old Factory' is a rust patched floor with grills and scuff marks, 'Blood Shore' is a ground made from piles of skulls and broken bones falling away in to blood red waters.

The two castle designs will expand the Autumn Castle design and make it in to a 4 map set; excuse the hasty temporary graphics for these two, they will look a lot different when done!

Blood Shore Design Detail
Blood Shore Design Detail

Next Stretch Goal

I need to finish the graphic for the next Stretch Goal, Rooms and Roads, so will post a new update when that's ready.


Last Few Days
over 7 years ago – Sat, Jun 24, 2017 at 02:38:24 AM

The speed has definatley picked up as we enter the last few days of this campaign.

So only about 8 hours after posting the 18th Stretch Goal, 'Hangar Bay and Dungeon', it's unlocked.


Digital versions of the 'Hub Station Hangar' and 'Deep Hold Dungeon' will be added to all pledges that receive Stretch Goals and both designs will be available as options for physical mats.

New Stretch Goal

The next Stretch Goal is for a set of modular mats in the 'River Valley' theme.



If you like graphs, Kicktraq is well worth a look, it's what I've been using to gauge where to place Stretch Goals, and there is a noticable steepening of the graph in the last day or so.


In a Flash
over 7 years ago – Fri, Jun 23, 2017 at 03:41:30 PM

Well that was quick, in fact that was the shortest time to reach a Stretch Goal so far!

The 'S.V. Kodiak' and 'Autumn Castle' designs are now added as digital copies to all pledge levels that recieve Stretch Goals and are available as choices for physical mats.


New Stretch Goal

This time it's for 'Hub Station Hangar' and 'Deep Hold Dungeon'


Both very much in the early stages of being drawn, so expect the finished designs to be more varied and detailed.
